Master Class

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Kinesiology & Biomagnetism


This is the starting point for those with little or no experience with the concept of biomagnetism; the participant will be able to communicate with someone´s body (including your own) and find whatever disease or pain needs to be adressed (including tumoral phenomena) and then finding the exact locations for the placement of magnets. The participant will be able achieve to treat and solve the following:

  • Negative behavioral aspects.
  • Offensive energies.
  • All type of allergies.
  • Reprogram emotions and sensations.
  • Introduction to long-distante therapy (by proxy body).
  • Spot-tracking technique for the placements of magnets.

Our spot-tracking technique will allow any enthusiast participant, to obtain results that might take years for anyone else otherwise, since the exact placement of the magnets is obtained by an accurate “asking” of the body, and not necessarily by any biomagnetic related book or article.

Included in E-Course level 1 are:

  • Digital manuals.
  • 6 months of full-access to the E-course on video.

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Kine & Biomagnetism e-course


The pathogen code


Here you will master the ability to conduct long distance therapies (proxy sessions) even without the need of a proxy individual, by means of diagrams. We will learn in greater detail about the eight factors than can cause sickness and also how our own prerecorded voice can be used as a tool for biomangetic tracking.

Included in E-Course level 2 are:

  • Digital manuals.
  • 6 month of full-access to the E-course on video after completion.

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The Pathogen Code Course


Bioenergetic programming


Here you will be fully inmersed into the fascinating possibilities of Bioenergetic programming, with acces to our developed bioenergetic tools for vibrational medicine such as Bach Florals and Shussler salts, among others.

You will be able to create your own bioenergetic programs to ease your therapies and explore in more detail about the eight factors that can cause sickness.

Included in E-Course level 3 are:

  • Certificate of completion.
  • Digital manuals.
  • Access to our private facebook and whatsapp groups.
  • 1 month of full-access to the E-course on video after completion.

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Applied Bioenergetic Programming E-Course




In this advanced course you will learn a technique that allows you to eliminate pathogens even without the use of magnets, either in-person or by proxy (long distance therapy). Also, everything there is to know about microbial equations, emotional equations and bioenergetic equations.

You will be able to solve all kinds of imbalances and understand the elements that cause them, by looking at the complete picture of what is happening to your client/patient at any given moment. All this in a simple way, the biomagnetic way.

Included in MASTER CODE Course are

  • Digital manuals.
  • 6 month of full-access to the E-course on video after completion.

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